See if the current user meets the BIN requirements

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### See if the current user meets the BIN requirements


-Supported Authorization Grants: authorization_code, password
-URI Parameters: None
-Body Parameters: None

Sample request:

Authorization: bearer <access_token>
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
CorrelationId: 901b6bd9-cd5a-4fca-9955-fc94db7eeacd

  "hasSubscription": true,
  "hasCarrier": true,
  "hasTC": true,
  "hasLogo": true
Response Fields
  • Response Fields:
HasSubscriptionbooleanWhether the calling user is authorized to use Book it Now
HasCarrierbooleanWhether the calling user has a relationship with carriers eligible for Book it Now
HasTCbooleanWhether the calling has any terms and conditions available
HasLogobooleanWhether the calling user has a logo that can be used to indicate Book it Now loads

Error Fields: Error responses contain an HTTP Code and an Error object.