Note: This API is required as part of the integration
Try it: Here
GET | /_c/std/api/ExpandedCarrierAPI.aspx | Retrieve the details of the specified carrier. |
API Summary
- Delta – a changed insured record in the RMIS system. This can be a brand-new record for the client, or an existing record that has had updates made to the underlying data and needs to be synchronized between RMIS and the client.
- RMIS ID/Insured ID - The RMIS specific identifier for a carrier -- This is the value that will be returned in the Delta API Fetch call
- CRS+ - RMIS Lite or Premium account (not monitoring only)
The purpose of the Expanded Carrier API is to allow brokers to retrieve information about a carrier they are monitoring.
Calling the API
## Calling the API
The request is a GET request to the base URL:
There are 5 URL parameters required with this request
- ClientID - The brokers specific RMIS client ID
- Pwd - The brokers specific RMIS API Password
- QueryType - What type of identifier is being used for this call
- InsdID - The RMIS identifier for this carrier (recommended)
- MC_MX - The carriers MC Number
- DOT - The carriers DOT number
- QueryID - The carrier specific identifier of the selected type
- Version - Which version of the XML to return (13 is the current version)
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'accept: application/json'
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <RMISCarrierStatusExpanded> <Header> <TimeStamp>9/26/2024 7:20:53 AM</TimeStamp> <TimeStampUTC>9/26/2024 2:20:53 PM</TimeStampUTC> <API>SingleCarrierExpanded</API> <Version>13</Version> <Result>SUCCESS</Result> </Header> <Carrier> <CompanyName>123</CompanyName> <RMISCarrierID>340083</RMISCarrierID> <TaxID /> <MCNumber>MC12345</MCNumber> <DOTNumber>123456</DOTNumber> <Address1>1233</Address1> <Address2 /> <City>Miami</City> <St>TX</St> <Zip>123456</Zip> <Contact>Luciano</Contact> <Title>President</Title> <Phone>0000000000</Phone> <Fax>8888888888</Fax> <Email></Email> <Payto>NCC</Payto> <PaytoAddress>5201 Nw 7Th St Ste 212W</PaytoAddress> <PaytoCity>Miami</PaytoCity> <PaytoSt>FL</PaytoSt> <PaytoZip>33126</PaytoZip> <ClientsCarrierID AttachDate="2/20/2024 12:00:00 AM" /> <insdIntraStateNumber /> <insdIntraStateState /> <DUNs /> <PaytoAddress2 /> <PaytoCountry>USA</PaytoCountry> <Country>USA</Country> <IsFactoring /> <Contacts> <Contact Type="ACCOUNTSPAYABLE"> <Type>ACCOUNTSPAYABLE</Type> <CompanyName>Ncc</CompanyName> <Name>Obdulia test</Name> <Title>Owner</Title> <Phone>8183388637</Phone> <Fax>8183388637</Fax> <Cell>8183388637</Cell> <Email></Email> <PhoneExt /> <Date>1/27/2023 8:56:08 AM</Date> </Contact> <Contact Type="CLAIMS"> <Type>CLAIMS</Type> <CompanyName>Ncc</CompanyName> <Name>Luciano Castellanos</Name> <Title>President</Title> <Phone>9548021308</Phone> <Fax>8007151539</Fax> <Cell>9548021308</Cell> <Email></Email> <PhoneExt /> <Date /> </Contact> <Contact Type="CORPORATE"> <Type>CORPORATE</Type> <CompanyName>Ncc</CompanyName> <Name>Luciano Castellanos</Name> <Title>President</Title> <Phone>9548021308</Phone> <Fax>8007151539</Fax> <Cell>9548021308</Cell> <Email></Email> <PhoneExt /> <Date /> </Contact> <Contact Type="DISPATCH"> <Type>DISPATCH</Type> <CompanyName>Ncc</CompanyName> <Name>Luciano Castellanos</Name> <Title>President</Title> <Phone>9548021308</Phone> <Fax>8007151539</Fax> <Cell>9548021308</Cell> <Email></Email> <PhoneExt /> <Date /> </Contact> <Contact Type="SALES"> <Type>SALES</Type> <CompanyName>Ncc</CompanyName> <Name>Obdulia Test</Name> <Title>Test</Title> <Phone>8183388637</Phone> <Fax>8183388637</Fax> <Cell>8183388637</Cell> <Email></Email> <PhoneExt /> <Date>1/27/2023 8:54:58 AM</Date> </Contact> </Contacts> <ClientsCarrierIDs> <ClientsCarrierID AttachDate="2/20/2024 12:00:00 AM" /> </ClientsCarrierIDs> <PayToEmail /> <PhoneExt /> </Carrier> <Agreement /> <ClientCarrierAgreements /> <W9 /> <CarrierProfile> <OperatingArea /> <Modes /> <Commodities /> <CorrectiveActionPlans /> <AdditionalFields /> <EquipmentTypes /> </CarrierProfile> <Coverages> <Coverage CoverageDescription="CARGO" Status="Empty"> <CoverageDescription>CARGO</CoverageDescription> <Status>Empty</Status> <EffectiveDate /> <ExpirationDate /> <CancelDate /> <PolicyNumber>0</PolicyNumber> <Producer /> <ProducerPhone /> <ProducerFax /> <ProducerEmail /> <Underwriter /> <Confidence /> <RMISCertID /> <RMISCovgID /> <LastCertUpdate /> <ConfidenceMsg /> <RMISImageID /> <Limit LimitDescription="CARGO LIMIT" LimitAmount="0" IsCargoSynonym="True" IsAutoSynonym="False"> <LimitDescription>CARGO LIMIT</LimitDescription> <LimitAmount>0</LimitAmount> <RMISLimitID>0</RMISLimitID> <LimitCurrency /> </Limit> <CoverageDetail /> <UnderwriterRating>N/A</UnderwriterRating> <NAICCompanyNumber>0</NAICCompanyNumber> <AMBestCompanyNumber>0</AMBestCompanyNumber> <RenewalInfo /> <ProducerAddress /> <ProducerCity /> <ProducerState /> <ProducerZip /> </Coverage> <Coverage CoverageDescription="AUTO" Status="Empty"> <CoverageDescription>AUTO</CoverageDescription> <Status>Empty</Status> <EffectiveDate /> <ExpirationDate /> <CancelDate /> <PolicyNumber>0</PolicyNumber> <Producer /> <ProducerPhone /> <ProducerFax /> <ProducerEmail /> <Underwriter /> <Confidence /> <RMISCertID /> <RMISCovgID /> <LastCertUpdate /> <ConfidenceMsg /> <RMISImageID /> <Limit LimitDescription="AUTO LIMIT" LimitAmount="0" IsCargoSynonym="False" IsAutoSynonym="True"> <LimitDescription>AUTO LIMIT</LimitDescription> <LimitAmount>0</LimitAmount> <RMISLimitID>0</RMISLimitID> <LimitCurrency /> </Limit> <CoverageDetail /> <UnderwriterRating>N/A</UnderwriterRating> <NAICCompanyNumber>0</NAICCompanyNumber> <AMBestCompanyNumber>0</AMBestCompanyNumber> <RenewalInfo /> <ProducerAddress /> <ProducerCity /> <ProducerState /> <ProducerZip /> </Coverage> <Coverage CoverageDescription="GENERAL" Status="Empty"> <CoverageDescription>GENERAL</CoverageDescription> <Status>Empty</Status> <EffectiveDate /> <ExpirationDate /> <CancelDate /> <PolicyNumber>0</PolicyNumber> <Producer /> <ProducerPhone /> <ProducerFax /> <ProducerEmail /> <Underwriter /> <Confidence /> <RMISCertID /> <RMISCovgID /> <LastCertUpdate /> <ConfidenceMsg /> <RMISImageID /> <Limit LimitDescription="GENERAL LIMIT" LimitAmount="0" IsCargoSynonym="False" IsAutoSynonym="False"> <LimitDescription>GENERAL LIMIT</LimitDescription> <LimitAmount>0</LimitAmount> <RMISLimitID>0</RMISLimitID> <LimitCurrency /> </Limit> <CoverageDetail /> <UnderwriterRating>N/A</UnderwriterRating> <NAICCompanyNumber>0</NAICCompanyNumber> <AMBestCompanyNumber>0</AMBestCompanyNumber> <RenewalInfo /> <ProducerAddress /> <ProducerCity /> <ProducerState /> <ProducerZip /> </Coverage> <Coverage CoverageDescription="EXCESS LIABILITY" Status="Empty"> <CoverageDescription>EXCESS LIABILITY</CoverageDescription> <Status>Empty</Status> <EffectiveDate /> <ExpirationDate /> <CancelDate /> <PolicyNumber>0</PolicyNumber> <Producer /> <ProducerPhone /> <ProducerFax /> <ProducerEmail /> <Underwriter /> <Confidence /> <RMISCertID /> <RMISCovgID /> <LastCertUpdate /> <ConfidenceMsg /> <RMISImageID /> <Limit LimitDescription="EXCESS LIABILITY LIMIT" LimitAmount="0" IsCargoSynonym="False" IsAutoSynonym="False"> <LimitDescription>EXCESS LIABILITY LIMIT</LimitDescription> <LimitAmount>0</LimitAmount> <RMISLimitID>0</RMISLimitID> <LimitCurrency /> </Limit> <CoverageDetail /> <UnderwriterRating>N/A</UnderwriterRating> <NAICCompanyNumber>0</NAICCompanyNumber> <AMBestCompanyNumber>0</AMBestCompanyNumber> <RenewalInfo /> <ProducerAddress /> <ProducerCity /> <ProducerState /> <ProducerZip /> </Coverage> <Coverage CoverageDescription="WORKERS COMP" Status="Empty"> <CoverageDescription>WORKERS COMP</CoverageDescription> <Status>Empty</Status> <EffectiveDate /> <ExpirationDate /> <CancelDate /> <PolicyNumber>0</PolicyNumber> <Producer /> <ProducerPhone /> <ProducerFax /> <ProducerEmail /> <Underwriter /> <Confidence /> <RMISCertID /> <RMISCovgID /> <LastCertUpdate /> <ConfidenceMsg /> <RMISImageID /> <Limit LimitDescription="WORKERS COMP LIMIT" LimitAmount="0" IsCargoSynonym="False" IsAutoSynonym="False"> <LimitDescription>WORKERS COMP LIMIT</LimitDescription> <LimitAmount>0</LimitAmount> <RMISLimitID>0</RMISLimitID> <LimitCurrency /> </Limit> <CoverageDetail /> <UnderwriterRating>N/A</UnderwriterRating> <NAICCompanyNumber>0</NAICCompanyNumber> <AMBestCompanyNumber>0</AMBestCompanyNumber> <RenewalInfo /> <ProducerAddress /> <ProducerCity /> <ProducerState /> <ProducerZip /> </Coverage> </Coverages> <RenewalCoverages /> <DOT /> <DOTTestingInfo> <SafetyRatingDate /> <SafetyRating /> <SafetyReviewDate /> <SafetyReviewType /> <OperatingStatus /> <OutOfServiceDate /> <Safer_ActiveInactiveStatus>NotFound</Safer_ActiveInactiveStatus> <Safer_ActiveInactiveLastCheckedDate>9/23/2024 6:13:05 PM</Safer_ActiveInactiveLastCheckedDate> <OriginalAuthorityGrantDate /> <LatestAuthorityGrantDate /> <LatestAuthorityReinstatedDate /> <Tot_Trucks /> <Tot_Pwr /> </DOTTestingInfo> <DOTInspectionCollection> <DOTInspections> <Census_Num>123456</Census_Num> <US_TotalInspections>0</US_TotalInspections> <US_TotalIEPInspections>0</US_TotalIEPInspections> <US_VehicleInspections>1</US_VehicleInspections> <US_DriverInspections>1</US_DriverInspections> <US_HazmatInspections>0</US_HazmatInspections> <US_IEPInspections>0</US_IEPInspections> <US_VehicleOOS>1</US_VehicleOOS> <US_DriverOOS>0</US_DriverOOS> <US_HazmatOOS>0</US_HazmatOOS> <US_IEPOOS>0</US_IEPOOS> <US_VehicleOOSRatio>100%</US_VehicleOOSRatio> <US_DriverOOSRatio>0%</US_DriverOOSRatio> <US_HazmatOOSRatio>%</US_HazmatOOSRatio> <US_IEPOOSRatio /> <US_VehicleNatlAvgRatio>20.72%</US_VehicleNatlAvgRatio> <US_DriverNatlAvgRatio>5.51%</US_DriverNatlAvgRatio> <US_HazmatNatlAvgRatio>4.50%</US_HazmatNatlAvgRatio> <US_IEPNatlAvgRatio /> <CAN_TotalInspections>0</CAN_TotalInspections> <CAN_VehicleInspections>0</CAN_VehicleInspections> <CAN_DriverInspections>0</CAN_DriverInspections> <CAN_VehicleOOS>0</CAN_VehicleOOS> <CAN_DriverOOS>0</CAN_DriverOOS> <CAN_VehicleOOSRatio /> <CAN_DriverOOSRatio /> <LastUpdated>11/9/2015 12:18:18 AM</LastUpdated> </DOTInspections> </DOTInspectionCollection> <DOTCrashCollection> <DOTCrashes> <Census_Num>123456</Census_Num> <US_Fatal>0</US_Fatal> <US_Injury>0</US_Injury> <US_Tow>0</US_Tow> <US_Total>0</US_Total> <CAN_Fatal>0</CAN_Fatal> <CAN_Injury>0</CAN_Injury> <CAN_Tow>0</CAN_Tow> <CAN_Total>0</CAN_Total> <LastUpdated>12/26/2015 8:37:21 PM</LastUpdated> </DOTCrashes> </DOTCrashCollection> <RMIS_CompCSA /> <CertificationStatus> <StatusDate>9/26/2024 2:28:50 AM</StatusDate> <IsCertified>False</IsCertified> <NonCertifiedReasons> <Reason>There is no active Auto coverage on file.</Reason> <Reason>There is no active Cargo coverage on file.</Reason> <Reason>There is no active General coverage on file.</Reason> <Reason>Operating Status cannot be empty.</Reason> <Reason>Common and Contract Authority are inactive.</Reason> <Reason>Authority GRANTED date is less than 90 days of authority.</Reason> <Reason>Safety Rating cannot be empty</Reason> </NonCertifiedReasons> <EntitiesCertified>0</EntitiesCertified> <EntitiesNOTCertified>1</EntitiesNOTCertified> <EntityCertification> <Entity EntityDescrip="ITSD for RMIS" IsCertified="False"> <EntityDescrip>ITSD for RMIS</EntityDescrip> <IsCertified>False</IsCertified> <EntityCode /> <EntityID>251077</EntityID> </Entity> </EntityCertification> </CertificationStatus> <TradeReferences /> <Overrides /> <Documents /> <ClientCarrierAgreementRuleOverrides /> <PHMSA /> <eW8BEN /> <eW8BENE /> <IntrastateAuthority /> <TXIntrastateAuthority /> <CARB_TruckAndBus /> <Invitation /> </RMISCarrierStatusExpanded>
Optional Arguments
Optional Arguments
In order to keep API return data as short and high performance as possible, only the most commonly used data elements are returned with the standard request. Using optional arguments, you can retrieve additional nodes of information by selecting each via an extra argument. Some standard nodes may also be toggled OFF if you do not wish to retrieve the data for that node.
Note: Use the optional arguments with caution. Some can be very large in size.To enable custom mode, and allow the toggling of nodes on/off you must add: &custom=1 to the API URL. An optional node can be turned ON by using “=1” and an optional node can be turned OFF by using “=0”
Then the following optional arguments can be used:
Argument Name
Default Value
Affected Node
set to 1 to use any of the below arguments
is a default node for CRS+ that can be turned off.
(CRS+ Only)
The agreement node will contain the information provided by the carrier during registration or subsequent visits to the site after they have electronically agreed to the document. The information shown in this node will be the most recent instance the carrier made an agreement. If the client’s CRS+ system contains multiple documents, this refers to the MAIN AGREEMENT ONLY.
is a default node for CRS+ that can be turned off.
is a default node that can be turned off.
is a default node that can be turned off.
is a default node that can be turned off.
is a large node that is turned OFF by default.
is a node turned OFF by default.
is a node turned OFF by default.