Rate Crowdsourcing

Rate Crowdsource allows users to submit their rates to Truckstop.

POST /ratecrowdsourcing/v2/rates Submit your rates through the API.

Authorization bearer token
Content Type application/json
Accept application/json
URL Params None
Body Params JSON Object


Rate Crowdsourcing

curl --location 'https://api.truckstop.com/ratecrowdsourcing/v2/rates' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer <access token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '{
    "RateEvents": [
            "LoadNumber": "12345-ABCD",
            "Workflow": "TenderedRate",
            "PickupDateTime": "2023-03-09T22:41:38.110Z",
            "DeliveryDateTime": "2023-03-12T21:41:38.110Z",
            "BookedDateTime": "2023-03-05T22:41:38.110Z",
            "ContractType": "Spot",
            "Rate": {
                "CurrencyCode": "USD",
                "Amount": 2.33,
                "Type": "Flat"
            "Fuel": {
                "CurrencyCode": "USD",
                "Amount": 565,
                "Type": "AllIn"
            "Origin": {
                "City": "Seattle",
                "State": "WA",
                "PostalCode": "98101",
                "Latitude": 47.6551,
                "Longitude": -122.3048
            "Destination": {
                "City": "Boise",
                "State": "ID",
                "PostalCode": "83709",
                "Latitude": 43.6150,
                "Longitude": -116.2023
            "AdditionalStops": [
                    "City": "Seattle",
                    "State": "WA",
                    "PostalCode": "98101",
                    "Latitude": 47.6551,
                    "Longitude": -122.3048
            "Weight": {
                "Quantity": 250,
                "Unit": "Lbs"
            "Length": {
                "Quantity": 250,
                "Unit": "Feet"
            "Width": {
                "Quantity": 250,
                "Unit": "Feet"
            "Density": {
                "Quantity": 250,
                "Unit": "CubicFeet"
            "Distance": {
                "Quantity": 250,
                "Unit": "Miles"
            "TransportationMode": "LTL",
            "FreightClass": 50.0,
            "EquipmentCode": "V",
            "CommodityId": 40,
            "Carrier": {
                "Name": "Snowman Trucking",
                "MotorCarrierNumber": "64858",
                "UsDotNumber": "1523020",
                "ContactInfo": {
                    "Name": "Mary Jones",
                    "PhoneNumber": "234-456-4789",
                    "EmailAddress": "maryjones@carrier.com"
            "Customer": {
                "Name": "string",
                "ContactInfo": {
                    "Name": "Mary Jones",
                    "PhoneNumber": "234-456-4789",
                    "EmailAddress": "maryjones@carrier.com"
            "EquipmentOptions": [
            "LoadCount": 1
curl --location 'https://api.truckstop.com/ratecrowdsourcing/v2/rates' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer <access token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '{
    "RateEvents": [
            "LoadNumber": "12345-ABCD",
            "PickupDateTime": "2023-03-09T22:41:38.110Z",
            "Rate": {
                "CurrencyCode": "USD",
                "Amount": 2.33,
                "Type": "Flat"
            "Fuel": {
                "CurrencyCode": "USD",
                "Amount": 565,
                "Type": "AllIn"
            "Origin": {
                "City": "Seattle",
                "State": "WA",
                "PostalCode": "98101",
            "Destination": {
                "City": "Boise",
                "State": "ID",
                "PostalCode": "83709",
            "EquipmentCode": "V",
            "CommodityId": 40
	"succeeded": 7, 
	"failed": 0}
	"succeeded": 4, 
	"failed": 3, 
	"failureDetails": [ 
		"loadNumber": "12345-ABCD", 
		"errors": { 
			"Workflow": [ 
				"'Workflow' has a range of values which does not include 'SOME WRONG WORKFLOW'." 
			"Length.Unit": [ 
				"'Length Unit' has a range of values which does not include 'WRONG LENGTH UNIT'." 
	"loadNumber": "6789-ABCD", 
	"errors": { 
		"ContractType": [ 
			"'Contract Type' has a range of values which does not include 'SOME WRONG CONTRACT'." 
		"loadNumber": "12345-EFGH", 
		"errors": { 
		"Rate.CurrencyCode": [ 
		"'Rate Currency =Code' has a range of values which does not include 'AMERICAN DOLLARS'." 