
What is Book It Now?

Book It Now provides a way for you to post loads in such a way that approved carriers can choose to “Book It Now” without the need to negotiate details such as the rate.

Load types

Load TypeLoad Action IdPrerequisites
Book It Now1Valid preferred carriers, established terms and conditions, company logo uploaded, load event webhook listeners registered with Truckstop.
Standard Loads4None

Book It Now microservices

Company ManagementBINUsed to manage carriers you work with
Terms And ConditionsBINUsed to manage your terms and conditions
Load ManagementBIN, StandardUsed to post and manage loads
TenderingBINUsed to manage load tenders

Book It Now webhook events

Webhook EventDescriptionRequired
LOADBOOKEDLoad posted from integrated application has been booked.Yes
DRIVERASSIGNEDAutomatic update of assigned driver’s phone number for tracking on broker’s BIN load.No
LOADDROPPEDLoad posted from integrated application has been dropped by the booked carrier.Yes
LOADEXPIREDLoad posted from integrated application was not booked before the late pickup datetime and has expired.Yes