JUMP TOQuick StartGeneral API OverviewBest PracticesMoving To ProductionTruckstop Branding and LogosAuthenticationToken-based AuthenticationObtain a new or refresh existing tokenpostLoad ManagementOverviewManage your loadsPost a LoadpostUpdate a LoadputDelete a LoaddeleteGet details for a specific loadgetRefresh a LoadpostSearch within your loadsSearch within your posted loadspostGet the available load search criteria fieldsgetGet the available load search sort fieldsgetBook It NowTerms and ConditionsCreates a new terms and conditions entrypostGet the details for a terms and conditions entrygetEdits a terms and conditions entryputDeletes a terms and conditions entrydeleteSearch for a terms and conditions entrypostGet the details for fields that can be used in a search querygetGet a list of fields that can be used to sort search resultsgetTenderingRetrieve Tenders by AccountpostGet Booked Loads Details By Load IdgetGet Tender Details By TenderIdgetGet a CSV file of Booked Loads OverviewspostRevoke a tendered loadputCarrier Network ManagementOnboard/Monitor CarriersOverviewManage carrier change queuepostGet Carrier DetailsgetRetrieve Carrier DocumentsgetCheck a Carrier That Is Not Being MonitoredgetInvite A Carrier To Register With YoupostManually Register A Carrier (Skips Onboarding)postCheck Carrier Registration ProgresspostAttach or Remove a carrier from your monitored carrier listgetAnalyze Carrier RiskOverviewRetrieve a single risk analysis reportgetSearch by identifier from url parametergetQuery the RMIS certification status of a given carrier DOTgetRetrieve multiple full risk factor analysis reportspostRate InsightsOverviewContribute rates datapostBooked RatesGet the booked rate estimatepostGet the booked 4 week trendlinepostGet the booked 3 year historypostPosted RatesGet the posted rate estimatepostReturns the 4 week trendline for a lanepostSOAP APIsOverviewSearch All LoadsSearch for loadsView load detailsView load details for multiple loadsPost My TrucksPost a truckSearch for all my posted trucksView my truck's detailsDelete a truck by IDDelete a truck by internal numberSearch All TrucksView details for multiple trucksSearch for trucksSearch for hidden capacity (Hot Prospects)View truck detailsNoticesLimitations & DisclaimersVersioningDeprecationData UseREFERENCELoad ManagementPost a LoadDelete a loadGet a posted load by idUpdate a posted loadSearch within your posted loadsRefresh a loadBook It Now (BIN)OverviewSee if the current user meets the BIN requirementsPause a BIN loadUnpause a BIN loadRevoke Reason CodesDropped Reason CodesRate Insights V3Booked Rate EstimateBooked Rate Four Week TrendlineBooked 36-Month TrendlinePosted Rate EstimatePosted Rate Four Week TrendlineRate CrowdsourcingRMISDelta APIExpanded Carrier API - Calling the APIExpanded Carrier API - Detail of resultsDocument APINon-Attached Carrier APIInvitation APIRegistration Steps APIReference TablesRMIS: Operating AreasRMIS: CommoditiesRMIS: ModesLoad States and Reason CodesFreight ClassCommoditiesTransportation ModesEquipment OptionsEquipment TypesRatesRisk Factors SubcategoriesScript ReferenceTruckstopAuth.pyLoadManagement.pyTruckstopLibrary.Load.pyRateInsights.pyRMISDelta.pyDocumentAPI.pyRMISLibrary.pyTruckstopDBHelper.pyTruckstopDataMaps.pyRiskFactor.pySOAP Reference TablesTruck Searching Data ClassesTruck Posting Data ClassesLoad Search Data ClassesHot ProspectsPowered by Manage carrier change queuepost https://api.rmissecure.com/_c/std/api/DeltaAPI.aspxRetrieves a list of carrier RMIS IDs for processingSample end-to-end change queue management code